Contact Us

St. George TCard Office - 800 Bay Street

Downtown Toronto
(St. George) Campus

800 Bay Street – 5th Floor

Toronto, Ontario M5S 3A9


Monday – Friday: 9:00 am – 4:45 pm*

Staff & Faculty members can get their TCards at the Reader Registration Desk.

*Closed on all statutory holidays

UTM TCard office - CCT building

Communication, Culture & Technology Atrium

Information & Instructional Technology Services Help Desk (Room 0160A)

3359 Mississauga Road North

Mississauga, Ontario L5L 1C6


Mississauga TCard website

Hours of Operation

Highland Hall, Main Floor

1265 Military Trail

Scarborough, Ontario M1C 1A4

Visit the Scarborough TCard website for hours of operation. 

U of T registrars

Registrars can assist students who need to change their name, legal status or other fields in the Student Information System, as well as provide academic and financial advising, course enrolment, fee payments and much more.