First, You’ll need to convert your JOINid to a UTORid before classes begin
All applicants to the University’s undergraduate and graduate programs receive a JOINid, which provides limited access to relevant systems.
Admitted students will need to convert their JOINid to a UTORid.
The UTORid is your digital credential at the University, used to access University systems and resources.
Your UTORid uses the same name as the JOINid, which all students receive when they apply to U of T. The UTORid simply provides access to more services.
Transcript (PDF)

Then, you’ll need to pick up your actual TCard when you arrive on campus.
Your TCard
The TCard is your physical identification/credential for on-campus purposes. It includes your photo, UTORid, student number or personnel number, and a barcode. Data from/on the card is used to verify/grant access to relevant services and facilities like libraries, athletic facilities, exams, meal plans, printing services and more.
Your TCard+
Funds can be loaded on to your TCard for U of T Bookstore purchases, food/meal plan purchases and printing/photocopying at participating locations on campus.
Find more information and load funds:

Who needs a UTORid & TCard
All students, staff and faculty (including postdoctoral fellows, postgraduate medical education students, temporary staff, contractors and guests) need a UTORid. A TCard is only required if you are studying or working on campus.

When you need a UTORid & TCard
Students: You must activate your UTORid before starting classes. Pick up your TCard when you arrive on campus.
Staff, faculty, postdoctoral fellows, postgraduate medical students, contractors, temporary staff and guests: Visit Get your UTORid & TCard for details.
Braille Labels for TCard Accessibility
TCard Services, in collaboration with University Toronto Libraries andCNIB, is offering Braille stickers to easily […]
Phishing Alert
A phishing email has been brought to our attention that is posing as an email […]
TCard Services has moved to 800 Bay St during Koffler renovations
TCard Services has moved to 800 Bay St during Koffer Student Services Centre renovations. To […]
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